Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I've found the bins......!

I went for a walk tonight, partly because after a drizzly day, the evening turned sunny and I was back at my apartment in reasonable time. The other reason was to try to find where in this block the bins (= trash cans) were stored. I thought I had looked everywhere. I've found storage rooms, the garage, the elevator switchgear (I couldn't actually open that door) but until now, not the bins. Tonight, behind a fairly anonymous door, (it says JĂ„TEHUONE on it, but I don't read Finnish...yet) there they were. I can hardly contain my excitement!

I also got the chance to look around the area. Out of my window I can see some sea, but from the waterfront it looks lovely. I took this photo around an hour ago. It is the bridge between the area I am living in and the next island, Lauttasaari.

As I've mentioned before, the apartment I am living in temporarily is owned by my employer and is in one of their former cable factories. This photo shows how it looks from outside. If you click the photo you can see it full size; my apartment is shown in the red box and I am typing this at my desk behind the window on the right as you look at it.


Unknown said...

I'm dying to visit - it looks gorgeous.

Mark said...

It is! Drop me a note....