Thursday, September 27, 2007

Farewell to Algy ...

It was time to say goodbye to Algy today. Not a colleague or neighbour, but my temporary car.

My new Audi A3 arrived today, a week ahead of schedule. He looks great and drives well. A couple of things made this a different experience than getting a new car in the UK. Firstly, it has a cable which I can connect in winter to a power point to heat the engine block. At least, I could if I had off street parking, which I don't. The other was that the back seat was folded down and the set of winter wheels and tyres were in the back. I'll have a couple of months before the current wheels with regular tyres get swapped for the studded ones, supposedly good for driving on ice. I'm just off down to get them out of the car and put them in my storage cage in the basement of the apartment block.

Oh, his name? Well, the registration is GHR 627. As he is a German car, I think he will be Gunther, after the coffee shop guy in Friends who is besotted with Rachel. I think the coffee-related link is appropriate now that I am living in the country with the highest per-capita consumption of that beverage!

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