Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nice buns ...

Yesterday was Shrove Tuesday, celebrated in the UK and many other countries as Pancake Day, when by tradition the store cupboards are emptied in preparation for Lent.

In Finland, the tradition is different; the Lenten seasons starts 50 days before Easter on laskiasunnuntai (nearest English translation is Quinquagesima Sunday). This starts the three day feast called laskiainen (Shrovetide) that ends on laskiaistiistai (Shrove Tuesday). The Finnish traditon is to eat pea soup (normally served on Thursdays) and laskiaspulla, a special type of buns filled with jam or marzipan and topped with whipped cream. The picture of these pulla comes from the Helsinki Times website.

Sadly, I missed both traditions this year, tying to stick to my existing abstinence programme. But the pulla do look good.

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